Dominic Straquadine

Junior Faculty Advisor

Junior Faculty Advisor

Dominic Straquadine is a senior at George Mason University, majoring in Environmental & Sustainability Studies with a concentration in Environmental Policy & Politics. Dominic has been heavily involved in sustainability affairs at Mason with volunteering at the Presidents Park Greenhouse, and the Innovation Food Forest, attending meetings with the Virginia Student Environmental Coalition, and being a member of the Environment & Sustainability Living Learning Community (LLC). During his time with the LLC, he has assisted in the organization of the 2017 and 2018 LLC Showcase, as well as manage the sustainability facet of the 2016 Rappahannock Neighborhood Council year-end party. In 2017, Dominic received the Student of the Year award from Keep Ohio Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. In 2016 and 2017, he served as an intern with Marion County Recycling & Litter Prevention in Marion, Ohio. Dominic has also served as a Junior Faculty Advisor in 2016 and 2017, as well as an intern with the Washington Scholars Program. Dominic is looking forward to meeting this year’s delegates!

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