Diego Posada

Junior Faculty Advisor

Junior Faculty Advisor

Born in Knoxville Tennessee in foothills of Great Smoky Mountains National Park Diego Posada was exposed to wildlife and conservation at an early age. Through his experience in various volunteer opportunities and his own time out in nature he knew he wanted to seek a career that kept him outdoors. Diego graduated High school in Gainesville, FL while dual enrolling at Santa Fe College to complete his AA. It was during his high school career that he attended WYSE in 2012 and has since served on the Youth Advisory Board and came back for WYSE 2016 as a Junior Faculty advisor.

Currently working in the Methods and Biological control bureau of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: Division of Plant Industry, Diego has taken an interest in the future of agriculture in the United States and more importantly in Florida. He currently works on the program that mass rears Tamarixia Radiata, tiny parasitic wasps that parasitize Asian Citrus Psyllid, that are sent to researchers and growers in order to find a cure for Citrus Green Greening. Diego hopes that WYSE will be an eye opening experience for you and allow you to see what opportunities are available in the future of environmental studies

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